Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Not So Ugly

Much has happened in the past three days.

It seems that I get busier with each passing day. Each day is filled with some good, some bad and some of neither.


Monday, I donated several games to the Therapy Department and to the Activity Room. Also, my permanent port was removed by my cardio-vascular surgeon.

Tuesday, the kidney doctor confirmed that less time on the dialysis machine did not mean that my kidneys were not being adequately cleaned (My family had expressed concern about my time being cut from four hours to three and a half hours) and she also told me to stop one of my blood pressure medications (I have been taking up to six BP pills a day. Now I take only five maximum.)

Today, I went out with The Lunch Bunch to eat at The Hill Country Pasta House. Great lunch and good company. I got an opportunity to know one of the residents a little better. Her name is Virginia (Ginny) and she was born in Illinois, grew up in Ohio, went to college in NYC where she met her husband who was in The Navy. They moved around so much that she has now lived in 19 states. I'm not even sure that I have traveled to that many states!!

After lunch, I returned to my apartment and made six necklaces. Within 30 minutes of finishing them, I had sold three. I've got quite a little business going here. Truth be known, making jewelry is such good therapy for me. I like having something to do with my hands while watching TV. I get a special feeling when I see someone wearing some of my products. I don't have to advertise. Word of mouth is doing the marketing job for me.


Monday, brought some big summer electrical storms but no damage that I know of. I did learn that the air conditioning at my house has gone out and needs serious repair. Although the unit and parts are under warranty, the labor may be in the 'four figure' range.

Tuesday, dialysis treatment brought on nausea once again, but not for long and not as strong. When the needles were pulled, the arterial line tried to 'bleed out', but I caught it early and I didn't lose too much blood. I also learned yesterday that the local clinic (with dialysis treatment) that was being planned for less than a mile from here has been 'ditched' and will not be finished. (Another economy casualty.)

Today, it's almost 9:00 pm. and I can't think of anything bad in my life today. However, two of my neighbors suffered bad falls yesterday. I absolutely hate to see that happen. One thinks that he just got dizzy when he came inside from the porch and stumbled as he entered the door. He cut his knee and really banged it and his ribs, but no broken bones. The other told me that she was going from her living room to the bathroom and simply 'blacked out' and landed on the floor. She stayed in bed all day. My PT tells me of all the things to do to avoid falls. I see people not doing those things all the time. I hope I never forget her warnings and advice.


We have pencils and menus at our place settings in the dining room. The pencils are the little short ones that you find at golf courses. They are always just ugly little nubs and difficult to use. So being the problem solver that I am, I took my battery powered pencil sharpener to the dining room and went around to every table and sharpened every pencil. Somebody's got to do it. Why not me?

Tuesday, I removed the dressing from my incision from where the surgeon removed my port. After seeing the port after it was removed, I expected to see quite a large incision. But much to my surprise I, found a very small incision. There may not be a noticeable scar after all. Not that it matters to me. After last summer I have so many scars in so many places on my body that I could pass as a page in an Atlas. I just consider my body, scars and all, as a road map to God's miracles in my life.

The only thing that I can think of that might fit in this category for today is the extra weight I may have gained from eating lunch off site today. But most of it will be pulled tomorrow at dialysis, I'm sure.

Well, friends, I've written enough for tonight. So I'll just say "Sleep well and God Bless You".

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