Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Weather Report: Rain Outside, SONshine Inside

It’s been raining off and on for several days. We’ve needed it and the grass is as green as you could ever dream for it to be. The weathermen say that this is the second soggiest September in weather history. But as Joy Behar would say, “Who cares?”

Today was a good dialysis day filled with a little hope. Last Monday some lab tests were run on my urine and blood. I was told today that the lab reports indicate that …… sit down ….. my kidneys may be starting to ‘come back.’ My ‘numbers’ were the best they have been in a year. So they are going to continue to monitor my blood weekly and my urine every 3 months.

As a result of this report, the kidney doctor has ordered my time on the machine to be reduced. I started out on the machine four hours. Beginning Friday, I will only be on the machine for two hours and 45 minutes. Only someone who has been on dialysis or chemo, realizes what a present this is.

I am cautiously optimistic because, this is just a trial period. My kidneys may not react favorably to the shortened time on the machine and I may have to go back on the machine for a longer time. But for the time being I am praising God for this small ray of hope.

I love the people at the clinic so much. Once ‘the word’ got out that my time had been reduced, the nurses and techs each came up to me individually to congratulate me. They all seemed as happy as I was. I guess they don’t get a chance to celebrate often because so few patients improve.

All I know is that I diligently take my meds and supplements, exercise when I can, and try to eat wisely. I am working so hard to beat this kidney failure.

I have to give credit and thanks where it is due. The nurses were saying ‘This is amazing.’ I said, “Not to me. I’ve got prayer warriors all over this country praying for this and more.” To God be the Glory!

The nutritionist told me that there is only one other patient who is on the machine for two hours and 45 minutes. So I am the second one out of 120 patients. I feel so blessed.
Thanks to all of you for your prayers. Please keep them coming. We’ve won another battle (maybe) but we haven’t won the war yet.

God Bless You.

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