Thursday, September 23, 2010

Salsa: Sauce or Dance?

Tonight was The Summit’s Annual Salsa Fest. It’s an event to raise funds for The Alzheimer’s Association.

Many pictures were taken, but I haven’t seen any of them yet. You’ll just have to imagine the scenes as I write about them.

The festival was held outside in the parking lot between our building and the Skilled Nursing Facility. There were tents over tables where people could eat a fajita dinner. There were tables filled with bowls of salsa and chips for a judging contest. There was a DJ playing salsa music. There was a professional dance couple teaching the residents how to do the salsa. There were tables of silent auction items to be given to the highest bidder. There were numerous raffle items donated by local merchants.

This all occurred between 6 and 8 pm. There were a lot of residents attending and many family members joined us. Susan, my older daughter, stopped by and enjoyed the ambiance for a while. But she got there too late to see me in the Conga Line. Seriously, I was dancing to the music. Who would have thought that I would ever do that again? I guess it was a carry-over from my exercise time today.

This afternoon I went down to the ‘gym’ and worked out on the NuStep as I try to do on the days I don’t have dialysis. I took my CD player and earphones and worked out to The Beatles’ music. The time really goes by so quickly when The Fab Four are ‘serenading’ me!!!

Well, that’s enough for tonight. I’ve got to go shower and get ready for my ‘new’ dialysis drill tomorrow. Only two hours and 45 minutes on the machine. Yea!!!!

Feel free to join me in prayer thanking God for this new blessing and asking that my kidneys continue to heal.

God Bless You All.

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